Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

As we inch closer to Thanksgiving I thought I'd post some simple dishes to go with your mashed potatoes and gravy. Roasted Brussels Sprouts are simple and tasty. I personally never had them as a kid (my mother hated them so it was never on the menu) but, as an adult I've figured out how to enjoy them and maybe my mom might even like them? You never know. So, take a pound of sprouts, slice off the end if needed, then cut them into halves. Place into a glass baking dish. Melt 1/4 c earth balance and drizzle over them. Add 1 T bragg aminos, a hearty pinch of celtic sea salt and some fresh ground black pepper. Toss them and get them coated well. Roast in the oven at 400* for about 35 minutes or until they are crispy on top, stir once during the baking time. This is a perfect side dish. Enjoy.

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