Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Perfectly Iced Lemonade

What's better on a hot summer day than iced cold lemonade? This is my easy (no heating syrup blah blah blah) recipe that will make you smile. So because I make huge quantities of liquids for events I suggest to taste this as your making it and adjust the sweetness to your liking. Squeeze 1 c lemon juice (org if possible) a tiny pinch of salt (necessary for those sweaty hot days) 1/8 tsp. organic lemon extract & 1 c agave nectar. Now take the agave & put into a bowl add 4 c spring water and the salt and whisk until dissolved. Pour into a gallon jar or pitcher add rest of ingredients and fill with spring water. Stir - taste - adjust if you want it sweeter. Fill glasses with ice and add the lemonade. Go outside and sit on the front porch, sit back and sip.....ahhhh life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try this! Agave instead of simple syrup - brilliant. Thanks for the idea!
